Lead Management & Nurture

Our Lead Management Philosophy

Qualified leads are the lifeblood of every company, but not all leads are created equal. We can help identify the opportunities that are sales-ready right now. And for the rest, we’ll put a lead nurturing plan in place, moving them through the funnel to convert when they’re ready.

Through qualification and behavior-tracking tactics (email, telemarketing, marketing automation), we can design a program to help you identify leads that should be funneled into a lead nurturing program. There, prospects stay engaged with content and tools appropriate to where they are in their buying cycle, until they’re finally sales-ready. These steps help maximize yield from your best leads and keep your sales team highly productive.

When it comes to turning over leads to the sales department, we focus on quality over quantity. Generating, developing and delivering sales-ready leads is critical for B2B marketing success. Companies that do it well gain productivity from their sales force, close a higher percentage of opportunities and optimize their business development resources.

This ebook provides insights on how to solve your lead management issues to make the most of your pipeline and close more sales.

Lead Nurturing Approach

We consider lead nurturing an ever-evolving conversation between you and your prospects — but of course you can’t have a good conversation unless you’re saying something both relevant and meaningful. Our approach to lead nurturing goes beyond marketing automation / email marketing, because in today’s world, to get people’s attention, you definitely have to go beyond their inbox.

We move people down the funnel through a number of different nurturing techniques, including:

Telequalification: Adding a specialized team of telemarketers to your marketing mix will help you determine if your leads are truly sales-ready or if they could use another round of nurturing. Plus, a one-on-one conversation gives you the opportunity to learn more about your addressable market and their buying journeys.

Direct mail: A well-executed direct mail strategy can actually generate more conversions than your typical email campaign. And incorporating a direct mail strategy into the mix can also help you build brand recognition by keeping your company both in your leads’ inboxes and on their doorsteps.

Social media: We create organic and paid social media campaigns to stay top of mind with your target and drive them where you want them to go. Plus, we leverage social media analytics to figure out where your leads are spending their time and what kinds of questions they’re asking.

Marketing Operations

When leads come in, you need the right people, processes and technology to efficiently manage them with consistency. We can assist to ensure you have a strong marketing operations process in place, fortifying your marketing strategy with new capabilities, insights and agility.

With our expertise in multiple marketing automation platforms, we help clients streamline, automate and measure marketing activities and workflows to increase operational efficiency, prospect engagement and conversions.

Channel Support

If you sell through distributors or third-party reps, your channel partners are key to your company’s success. Your sales team spends a lot of time calling on them, and your whole organization should be focused on providing them with great customer service as part of your channel partner management strategy.

We help clients support their channel partners so their brand is top of mind, selling more of their products through to end users. Highly successful tactics have included the creation of custom web portals, training videos, customizable marketing materials, interactive selling tools, quoting tools and more.

If you’re looking to upgrade your lead management and nurturing strategy, or want to shore up your marketing operations or channel support efforts, let’s talk. We have a team of experienced professionals ready to assist you.